Sunday, September 14, 2008

Let's Go Yankees!

A-Rods grand slam was a great way to start off a Sunday afternoon baseball game...go Yanks!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Frustrated that I cant post images

I've been keeping up with a couple of others blogs and love to see all the updates and new images that are popping up. Its just adding to the frustration that I have about not being able to show the work that I do everyday.  I was photographing senior portrait sessions at Byram Hills High School today and captured some great images but cant post them cuz I don't own the rights : ( . Most of the work I have is older and doesn't reflect what I am doing now.  O well,  what are you gonna do?  Guess I will have to try to find someone to shoot some more samples with.  In the meantime I'll just keep reworking some old images. 


So I did it...I jumped on the wagon and created a FaceBook. 
I'll be adding a bunch of stuff over the next few days.  Its for anyone, so friends, clients, family, and people I dont know....friend me, lets chat.